Limited Liability Company “GREENTECH” (Greentech LLC) applied to KPD CONSULTING Law Firm for legal protection due to unlawful termination of electricity supply by the operator (Zhytomyroblenergo Joint Stock Company). Lack of electricity blocked the company's business activity and several months of negotiations between GREENTECH management and regional energy distribution company (Oblenergo) had no positive results.
KPD CONSULTING helped the Client not only to restore electricity supply and the company’s activity through court procedure, but also to recover court costs from the defendant. During the difficult process the attorneys of KPD CONSULTING proved to the court of first instance and the court of appeal that there were no legal grounds for energy supply termination (case No. 906/7/21).
The Managing Partner Igor Kalitventsev and the Director of the Dispute Resolution Department Eugene Litvinov protected the Client's interests in court.
Regarding this case, Vyacheslav Svyrydenko the Director of GREENTECH said: “I am very grateful to KPD CONSULTING for prompt response to my request regarding unlawful actions by the electricity supplier. After a claim was filed by the attorneys to court, the electricity supply was restored to GREENTECH almost immediately”!
Igor Kalitventsev commented on the victory in this case: “Specific body of legislation which regulates the mentioned sphere of legal relations regarding electricity supply on the one hand is not transparent for the business entities that supply electricity, on the other hand is a cause for manipulation on the part of oblenergo with illegal claims against consumers in its favor. Therefore, in such situations it is better to apply for legal protection without delay."
Eugene Litvinov also added: “It should be noted that in the event of a conflict with the electricity supplier a judicial protection is the most effective way, since the commencement of legal proceedings after the consumer’s power cuts is the basis for restoration of electricity supply, and power cuts during consideration of the case are not allowed (paragraph 7.11. of Rules of the Retail Electricity Market approved by the Ruling of the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Utilities No.312 of 14.03.2018)”.
GREENTECH specializes in cultivation of cereals and industrial crops, the cultivation of textile crops, as well as carries out wholesale trade in agricultural machinery, equipment and spare parts.
Igor Kalitventsev
Managing Partner
KPD Consulting
Should you have any questions with respect to above or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Igor Kalitventsev ( We will be pleased to assist You. The information contained in this overview is not intended to provide legal advice and should not be relied on or treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning individual situations.